Selasa, 12 April 2011

Fantasy Toys

A collection of fantasy toys, at my P I C A S A album.

Ngunut Village

My hometown, a village where I was born.

Visit my P I C A S A Album

Senin, 11 April 2011

Surabaya Kids Toys 2009

Album untuk foto-fotoku waktu menghadiri acara SURABAYA TOYS FAIR 2009 di Galaxy Mall, tahun 2009. Aku sempat berfoto bersama si Wolverine, dan di depan patung Batman yang super besar (seukuran manusia). Kusimpan di PICASA.

Superhero di koran

Guntingan koran ini, menampilkan tokoh si Det (Deteksi) memakai baju superhero FLASH.

Kusimpan di album PICASA


Spider-man, Batman for pencil case!

Kusimpan file-file semacam ini di PICASA.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Election Campaign

Posters, Stickers, Banners, for 'Election Campaign' surrounding us every time !


Some celebrities with their t-shirt or SUPERHEROES Costume.

Kepuh Permai

My housing complex area, "Kepuh Permai", Waru Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album.

Juga, kusimpan di PICASA.

Poster Wars

Thousands of 'promotional / advertisement' posters stacked at every empty place.

Visit my PHOTOBUCKET page.


Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album.

Books, Notebooks, Drawing Books

Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album for Books, Drawing Books, Notebooks pictures.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Blitar - 2007

Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album. I have some photos from year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

Indonesian Small Cards

Visit my PHOTOBUCKET album.

Antique Pictures

Visit PHOTOBUCKET album here.